- Start Date: 6 Jun 2022 - 10 Jun 2022
- Start Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Location: Metropolitan Expo, Athens, Greece
Meet us at Posidonia 2022
Posidonia, the international shipping exhibition, has long been established as one of the major international shipping exhibitions in the calendar. The show attracts the most influential personalities from the Greek and international shipping community. The first one dates back to 1969 so it certainly has a rich history. Returning after a break during the pandemic, we join the maritime community with eager anticipation of the opportunities Posidonia provides to meet, interact and explore with friends old and new.
As in previous years, Faststream will be attending various events and networking evenings from the 6th to the 10th of June and would be pleased to find some time to meet you. As the events will be spread across the city and our staff could prove difficult to track down, please contact us in advance. Adam Graves, Director of Marine, Sebastian Zuliani, Associate Director, and Lee Williams, Recruitment Consultant of Marine will both be in attendance, please do get in touch to arrange a meeting.